I am going through the book now, I have HXE installed on my laptop, and I also have an S-account. However, I do not have access to product downloads and I do not have access to my company's HANA system.
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To verify the installation, log in to your instance and view the //aws-backint-agent directory. You should see the following files in the directory: the AWS Backint agent binary, THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES.txt file, which contains licenses of libraries used by the agent, the launcher script, the YAML configuration file, and the optional modify_global_ini.sql file. In addition, a source file (aws-backint-agent.tar.gz) of AWS Backint agent is stored in the package directory. You can verify the signature of this file to ensure that the downloaded source file is original and unmodified. See the Verifying the signature of AWS Backint agent and installer for SAP HANA section in this document for details.
Another way to install the AWS Backint agent is with the AWS Backint installer. You can download the AWS Backint installer from an Amazon S3 bucket. The name of the S3 bucket is s3://awssap-backint-agent/.
If you encounter permission issues while downloading the AWS Backint installer using the AWS CLI, check your IAM policy and ensure that your policies allow for downloading objects from the awssap-backint-agent bucket. See the Identity and Access Management section of this documentation for details.
To verify the installation, log in to your instance and view the //aws-backint-agent directory. You should see the following files in the directory: the AWS Backint agent binary, the THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES.txt file, which contains licenses of libraries used by the agent, the launcher script, the YAML configuration file, and the optional modify_global_ini.sql file. In addition, a source file (aws-backint-agent.tar.gz) of AWS Backint agent is stored in the package directory. You can verify the signature of this file to ensure that the downloaded source file is original and unmodified. See the Verifying the signature of AWS Backint agent and installer for SAP HANA section in this document for details.
If you use a proxy address in your SAP HANA environment, you must update the aws-backint-agent-launcher.sh file, which is located in the AWS Backint agent installation directory (for example, /hana/shared/aws-backint-agent/). You must perform the following update to ensure that the correct proxy settings are used by AWS Backint agent during backup and restore operations.
The MaximumConcurrentFilesForRestore parameter is used to determine how many files can be downloaded in parallel from S3 during a restore operation. The default value for this parameter is 5, which provides the optimal performance for most use cases.
You can activate subscriptions in the Customer Portal by using tools available from the Subscription tab. From the subscription activation tool, you will enter the product activation codes (also referred to as subscription numbers) that you received in an email from Red Hat. Then, you can begin downloading software.
This section provides various mock tests that you can download at your local machine and solve offline. Every mock test is supplied with a mock test key to let you verify the final score and grade yourself.
The NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPU used in G3 instances requires a special NVIDIA GRID driver to enable all advanced graphics features, and 4 monitors support with resolution up to 4096x2160. You need to use an AMI with NVIDIA GRID driver pre-installed, or download and install the NVIDIA GRID driver following the AWS documentation.
Developers can get started on the F1 instance by creating an AWS account and downloading the AWS Hardware Development Kit (HDK). The HDK includes documentation on F1, internal FPGA interfaces, and compiler scripts for generating AFI. Developers can start writing their FPGA code to the documented interfaces included in the HDK to create their acceleration function. Developers can launch AWS instances with the FPGA Developer AMI. This AMI includes the development tools needed to compile and simulate the FPGA code. The Developer AMI is best run on the latest C5, M5, or R4 instances. Developers should have experience in the programming languages used for creating FPGA code (i.e. Verilog or VHDL) and an understanding of the operation they wish to accelerate.
In order to enable this feature, you must launch an HVM AMI with the appropriate drivers. The instances listed as current generation use ENA for enhanced networking. Amazon Linux AMI includes both of these drivers by default. For AMIs that do not contain these drivers, you will need to download and install the appropriate drivers based on the instance types you plan to use. You can use Linux or Windows instructions to enable Enhanced Networking in AMIs that do not include the SR-IOV driver by default. Enhanced Networking is only supported in Amazon VPC.
You will be charged standard Amazon S3 storage fees for storing your exported VM image file. You will also be charged standard S3 data transfer charges when you download the exported VM file to your on-premise virtualization environment. Finally, you will be charged standard EBS charges for storing a temporary snapshot of your EC2 instance. To minimize storage charges, delete the VM image file in S3 after downloading it to your virtualization environment. 2ff7e9595c