Gurugram, Haryana: With the onset of monsoon in the city, the Gurugram administration has assured that it will issue work-from-home notices for offices in advance to avoid traffic congestion on roads. Deputy commissioner Nishant Kumar Yadav reportedly held a meeting with senior officials to review monsoon preparedness across the district. During the meeting, he urged private firms to allow their employees to work from home on days of heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. Also Read: Work From Home Ends: Apple Employees Will Not Have to Undergo COVID Test to Return to Office From Next Month
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Earlier on Thursday, Gurugram witnessed waterlogging and massive traffic snarls on key stretches after the city received monsoon showers. While Kadipur recorded 12 mm rainfall, Harsaru received 12 mm, Wazirabad reported 18 mm, Badshahpur received 5 mm, Manesar reported 10 mm, Farrukhnagar got 29 mm, and Sohna received 4 mm rainfall, reported the Indian Express.
After using DIME for maybe two years, several months ago on DIME I couldn't download torrents any longer. I have a positive share ratio and am VIP, so I didn't think they blocked my account. Still on my utorrent program it will say:[DHT] not allowed[Local Peer Discovery] not allowed[Peer Exchange] not allowed not authorized; don't hammer this tracker with multiple announcements for a torrent
Under my DIME username and the torrent I am trying to download it shows me as a leacher, but then also shows a port that is firewalled with a reason "connection timed out" and explanation "stealth firewall or overloaded bandwidth".
Does anyone know a reason why I can no longer download from DIME, but can from oher sites? I do not have a strong understanding of how this stuff works, have tried to read up on it but still get pretty confused. I figured it out enough to get it working a couple years ago, but don't know how to get it fixed now.
Speaking of Dime, I have another question. Why aren't ABB shows allowed on Dime ? I realize that the ABB doesn't allow electronic transfers of their live shows. I also realize that Dime doesn't allow any officially released material to be torrented. But I thought the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, and many others (available on Dime) also didn't allow electronic transfers of live shows. Why can we get Dylan, the Stones, and many other non taper friendly bands, but no ABB on Dime ?
Thank you so much Alan. I read through some of the faq on DIME's site, but did not see the recommended torrent software info and that was exactly my problem. utorrent updated to a newer version and DIME didn't like it. I went back to an older version and am back in business!
A flash flood today swept away more than 800 houses in northern Thailand,killing at least 12 people and leaving 4,000 others homeless, officials said.The flood, triggered by heavy downpours over the past few days, hit threemountainside villages in Phrae Province about 450km north of Bangkok. ProvincialGovernor Nukoon Kanuwong said that 12 bodies have been retrieved and rescueteams are searching for 15 others who are missing. About 800 houses were damagedand 4,000 people were homeless, he said. He said a 2m-high torrent from themountains struck the villages after midnight, washing away the houses andkilling residents.
A total of 21 people have died, 11 were injured and five are still missingafter two days of torrential rains that swept away victims in rising waters andcaused flimsy homes to collapse, officials said today. Since Tuesday (15 May),42 houses were destroyed, 267 homes were damaged and 1,014 families wereaffected, the government's Civil Defence Agency said in a statement today. Fourdistricts in Haiti were affected, including the populous western district thatincludes the capital, Port-au-Prince. Seven died in suburban Petionville onTuesday night and before dawn Wednesday when walls collapsed or the cinderblockfoundations of their one-room houses slid into nearby ravines. Others drowned onWednesday, when streams overflowed in provincial areas, ranging from Leogane, 19miles west of the capital, to Limbe, 75 miles north. Dozens were forced toabandon their shacks in several seaside shanty-towns, built at sea level andcrossed by clogged drainage canals.
Thunderstorms, lightning and unusually heavy rains killed at least 21 peopleovernight in India's most populous state Uttar Pradesh, police said today. InUnnao, about 450km south-east of New Delhi, an alcohol factory warehousecollapsed during a thunderstorm, killing eight people, police said. "Theaccident occurred when labourers took shelter in a warehouse built in 1875 andhigh velocity wind resulted in (the) caving in of the entire roof and walls",Superintendent of Police Anand Swaroop said. In another part of the state, sixpeople were killed when they were struck by lightning in Bareilly, 220km east ofNew Delhi. Four others were killed by lightning in the neighbouring Badaundistrict, the state home ministry said. The thunderstorms and torrents led tosevere power outages in the state. The rains in Uttar Pradesh, located in thenorthern plains, are not related to the monsoon rains that arrived insouthernmost India on Thursday (24 May), accompanied by thunder and lightning.
Luthra informed the court that the aircraft carrier was in a precarious condition and could suffer extensive damage, including sinking in the event of high tides or monsoon rain, thereby posing serious safety related risks to the dockyard.
But in the end of October he was attacked by a bilious disorder,which, increasing in severity, rendered him, early in November,incapable of attending to business. It is, indeed, surprising that thisattack should have been so long delayed. From the moment he arrivedin Bengal,[Pg 145] his mind had been kept invariably on the stretch, by asuccession of painful and trying exertions. He had travelled much inthe midst of the monsoon, and in the hottest season. On one occasion,he writes to Mr. Verelst[111], "I have not had three hours' sleep anyday or night, since I left Mootyjil," a fortnight before; and, evenduring the period when he thus travelled in a burning climate[112], hecontinued anxiously corresponding at every interval of his journey,on the subject of an alarming mutiny, which threatened destruction toall his plans of public improvement. He had difficulties to encounteron every side, reforms to be[Pg 146] made, in which he was obliged to dependfor success, more on the energy of his own mind, than on the supportof the service, or of his coadjutors. He had the ungracious officeof interfering at every step with the pecuniary emoluments of themajority of his countrymen of every class. Few constitutions couldhave supported the anxiety he endured. A less vigorous mind would havesunk under the fret and annoyance of nearly two years' warfare of thisexhausting kind: his constitution only sank under the fatigue. Thestrongest proof how severe his illness became, is afforded by the totalinterruption of his correspondence from the 29th of November to the27th of December, during which period no letter appears to have beenwritten by himself, the correspondence being entirely conducted in hisname by Mr. Strachey. It has already been remarked that his regularityand constancy in correspondence were quite exemplary. His letters ofbusiness were answered the moment they were received. This steadyregularity, too often despised by inferior men, was one of the means bywhich he did so much. With him it was grown into a habit; but the habitwas a proof of the energy of a mind eager to accomplish, in the mostperfect way, the business in which it is engaged. 2ff7e9595c